About Us
The American Chamber of Commerce in the People’s Republic of China (AmCham China) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose membership comprises tens of thousands of individuals from nearly 1,000 companies operating across China.
The Chamber’s nationwide mission is to help American companies succeed in China through advocacy, networking, insights, and business support services. AmCham China is officially registered as a foreign chamber of commerce in China and is licensed by China’s government to represent American business in mainland China. In addition to our headquarters in Beijing, AmCham China serves Tianjin, Central China, Southwest China, and Northeast China through our Chapters in Chengdu, Dalian, Shenyang, Tianjin, and Wuhan. Across the six offices, AmCham China has more than 30 industry-specific Committees, and hosts more than 200 events each year.
中国美国商会(以下简称商会)是一家非盈利、非政府组织。目前商会会员遍布各行各业,代表着在华从事经营活动的近一千家外资企业。商会的使命是通过政策建言、信息共享、人脉扩展以及专业服务等方式帮助美国企业在中国取得成功。中国美国商会是获得中国政府官方认证、代表美国企业在华的商会。除北京总部外,商会分别在成都, 大连, 沈阳, 天津, 和武汉设有5个分支办公室,业务遍及中国华北、东北、华中、西南地区。商会旗下设有30余个工作组,每年举办逾200场会员活动。