Northeast China Chapter Key Activities

Northeast China Chapter hosts various events throughout the year, covering government engagement, networking and connection building, business insights sharing, business development, etc.

Government Dialogue and BCS Launch


Every year, AmCham China surveys its members on China’s business climate. AmCham representatives present the results of the Survey Report to relevant local government officials, such as the Dalian Mayor, together with the Northeast Launch.

Decarbonization Dialogue and Forum

NE-US-CG Welcome Reception-1

AmCham China Northeast Chapter holds a dialogue and forum on recent and actual topics to provide a platform for US companies who are in a leading role of realizing certain area goals to showcase their achievements with both Chinese and US governments, and jointly discuss how the US enterprises and SOEs can work together.

Women’s Career Planning and Advancement

NE-WPC afternoon tea

Northeast’s Women’s Professional Committee creates a space to discuss personal and professional development opportunities on career planning and advancement, share experiences and ideas with the community, by focusing on advancing career through development opportunities, adopting a participative leadership style, and integrating techniques to help balance work and family life. 

All Chambers Mixer and Networking

NE-Shenyang All Chambers networking

Regular mixers, breakfast meetings and inter-chamber events are part of business networking events that provide opportunities to meet and make valuable connections with AmCham China Northeast members, including our Executive Committee members.

Northeast China Chapter Member Company Tours

NE-Summit Camp DL

With company tours AmCham China Northeast Chapter provides opportunity and platform for inclusion by encouraging a thoughtful and welcoming culture, connect like-minded people and peers with similar passions and interests by bringing them together and introducing to different companies in manufacturing, high-tech, finance, education, hospitality and other industries. 

Northeast China Chapter’s Annual Ball

NE-community inclusion

Typically held in early December, AmCham China Northeast’s Annual Ball has become a winter tradition for all, attracting over 200 participants gathering at a splendid ballroom, dressing up and enjoying a night of dining, music, and dancing. The event showcases the best of what Dalian city can offer as nightlife.

Northeast China Chapter Committees

Committees are member groups with the same interests or concerns in specific industries or areas. Joining the committee, members can tackle business issues and share business insights through collaboration with others.

Membership and Price

AmCham China, Northeast China has a variety of membership categories to serve companies of all sizes, working in all industries and sectors, furthering the Chamber’s nationwide mission to help American companies succeed in China through advocacy, information, networking, and business support services.

Large Corporate

¥ 7,350 RMB

Annual Fee for Resident
  • Companies with global revenues of US $ 50 million or more
  • 4 card-holding member slots

See Benefits


¥ 5,500 RMB

Annual Fee for Resident
  • Companies with global revenues of US $ 1-50 million
  • 3 card-holding member slots
  • 1

See Benefits

Other Corporate

¥ 4,000 RMB

Annual Fee for Resident
  • Companies with global revenues of less than US $ 1 million
  • 5 card-holding member slots

See Benefits

Additional Member

¥ 1,100 RMB

Annual Fee for Resident
  • 1 card-holding member slot

Application Form


¥ 2,500 RMB

Annual Fee for Resident
  • 1 card-holding member slot

Application Form

Other Professionals

¥ 1,100 RMB

Annual Fee for Resident
  • 1 card-holding member slot

Application Form

Members are also eligible to enjoy the following services. Please click through to learn more.

  • AmCham China Events: Discounts and exclusive access to diverse Chamber events for networking and learning.
  • Express US Visa Service: Streamlined US visa application process for Chinese staff.
  • Member-to-Member Networking: Promote your business to other members through exclusive events.
  • Exclusive Discount Program: Enjoy special offers on fine dining, travel, healthcare, and education.
  • Job Board: Post job openings, connect with potential candidates within the AmCham China community.
  • Trainings: Access top-notch training from US and Chinese institutions to enhance skills and knowledge.
  • Notary Service: Easily notarize 50+ document types, including real estate, legal, and company documents.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer exclusive sponsorship opportunities to our member companies to promote their business and brand. Please click through to know more.

Executive Committee

Richard Swann


Head of Dalian American International School and Dalian Huamei School
Duan Yun A

Vice Chair

Canadian International School of Shenyang
Ladon Ghaili

EC Member

Co-Founder, Director at Epoch International
Bin Huang

EC Member

President, Dalian Jialing International Trade Co. Ltd
Cai Mengjun

EC Member

Shenyang Shengyuan Water Affairs Co., Ltd.
Chang Liu

EC Member

Intel Semiconductor (Dalian), Ltd.
Dorman Kwan

EC Member

PWC (Dalian)

Olive Liu

EC Member

Senior Director, Chief of Staff to China MD Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE Dalian)