
2020 has been very challenging for everyone. Due to COVID-19, many things have changed, including the education system. Because of efforts to keep everyone safe and to limit the spread of the disease, many people started working from home and schools began to deliver their courses online. Suddenly, electronic devices like computers and tablets became an essential part of everyone’s life. Those who did not have, or could not afford, such a device found themselves disconnected from the world. Children from underprivileged families were particularly impacted and now had even less access to the education and support they needed.

In an effort to help and equalize these children’s opportunity and access to education, AmCham China Northeast Chapter, Jinpu Women’s Federation, Jinpu Women and Children Activities Center, and DLOV are joining efforts to gather new and used computers and tablets to donate to children in the area so they have the resources they need to continue their education.

On June 1st, we were able to gather and donate 32 devices, all either new or refurbished to almost new with the help of our AmCham China member Epoch’s incredible IT team. 

On Children’s Day, representatives from AmCham China's Northeast Chapter, the Jinpu Women’s Federation, the Women and Children’s Activity Center, and DLOV volunteers came together in a ceremony to celebrate and launch this program by presenting students with these devices. These students received their gifts with joy and excitement and beautiful smiles that touched our hearts deeply.

“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”

We hope that, with time, every child will have the resources they need to access the education, support, and opportunities in order to learn and grow in order to become contributing members of their families and their communities.

These children’s future is our future. We all have a responsibility to make sure that this future is bright. This is only a very small first step in a continuing effort to bring more resources to them. We at Epoch will continue to strive to make our community and our world a better place. 

Ladon Ghalili is Chair of AmCham China's Northeast Chapter