99 IssuesNews

In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, AmCham China conducted a flash survey to assess the effects the epidemic is having on our membership's operations. Thanks to the participation of nearly one-quarter of our member companies, the survey data represents diverse views from all major industries and company sizes.

Originally released on February 27, AmCham China is now releasing this extended version of the Flash Survey Report on the Impact of COVID-19 including fresh data cuts based on company sizes, sectors, and areas of operation. 

Highlights from the extended report include:

  • Around 1/3 of companies with fewer than 1,000 employees say they will decrease investments
  • The consumer sector is most pessimistic about the COVID-19’s impact on their market growth; over 50% of those that expect their market forecast to decrease between 25-50% come from the consumer sector
  • Over half of the companies that believe their company’s business operations will return to normal by April 30, 2020 are in R&I


Member Download for the Extended Survey Report


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