Driven by a common objective to improve Tianjin’s foreign investment climate and advance healthcare services in the city, AmCham China’s Healthcare Industry Group, in collaboration with the Tianjin Investment Promotion Bureau, organized a delegation visit on March 19, 2024. The delegation comprised representatives from 26 multinational healthcare companies, including Boston Scientific, Stryker, Edwards Lifesciences, Amgen, Johnson & Johnson, Alcon, AbbVie, Abbott, Medtronic, and others, for business inspections and policy discussions.

Exploratory Visit and Exchange at Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone
Edward Wang, Director of the AmCham China Healthcare Industry Group, along with representatives from various companies, visited the Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (Tianjin Port FTZ) to gain insights into its founding history, the development of the healthcare industry, and supportive policies. During a meeting between the AmCham China Healthcare Working Group and the FTZ, leaders from the FTZ’s Bureau of Commerce, Investment Promotion Bureau, Social Development Bureau, and Free Trade Work Bureau provided detailed explanations of the medical policies within the FTZ. These included specifics about implementing policies that support the clinical use of urgently needed medications approved by the National Medical Products Administration but not yet available in mainland China. These policies facilitate clinical applications in Level III hospitals within the Tianjin Free Trade Zone, alongside medical cooperation under the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. Company representatives expressed their appreciation for the insights gained during the business inspection and showed willingness to explore cooperation opportunities with the Tianjin Port FTZ.
中国美国商会医疗组总监王曦携一众企业代参观了天津港保税区(Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone),深入了解保税区的成立历史、医疗行业发展情况以及支持性政策。在中国美国商会医疗工作组与天津保税区的交流会上,天津港保税区管委会招商局、投促局、社发局以及自贸工作局的领导向企业代表详细解读了保税区内医疗相关政策的执行细则,比如关于“支持已经国家药监局批准的境外已上市、境内未上市临床急需用药在天津自贸试验区三级医院依法开展临床应用,同步开展京津冀协同发展下的医疗合作。”政策的实践情况。企业代表纷纷表示此次商务考察受益良多,将会愿意共同探索与天津港保税区的合作机会。