
The Tianjin Chapter of AmCham China recently held an election for its executive committee. The seven winners subsequently voted for a chairman and vice chairman. The new executive committee will be:


Martin Winchell, Schneider Logistics (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. 


Michael Hart, Jones Lang LaSalle (Tianjin)

Committee members:

Sean Filson, Taylor Printing Company (Tianjin) Limited

Cathy Qian, Sanofi (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

Jon Reed, Tianjin Custom Wood Processing Company, Ltd.

Alex Scilla, Tianjin Fresh Farm Plus Agricultural Technology Ltd.

Marcus Williams, Boeing Tianjin Composites Co., Ltd.


The new executive committee will take office on Jan. 1, 2017, and serve for two years. The chairman and vice chairman will serve for one year.

“The Executive committee was elected by members from the Tianjin Chapter for 2 year terms.  This year’s results were seven members. The incoming executive committee is responsible for selecting the Chair and Vice Chair for following year.”  

“I am honored to be chosen again to serve as Chairman for 2017. The EC and  I look forward to continuing our mission to provide the membership with high quality programs and events that provide value to all members as well as enhances the AmCham brand in the community," said Martin Winchell, the chapter's chairman.