Economic growth is slowing, competition is intensifying, and market access is challenging.  In this context, I continue to advocate to officials and stakeholders the value that US companies bring to China, and to reinforce policies that ensure stable paths for growth. As an aggressive and effective promoter of these objectives, I seek your support to serve a second consecutive year on the AmCham China Board.

In meetings with provincial governors and managers of our Chinese business counterparts, I am frequently the only non-Chinese and the only woman.  My ability to excel at obtaining objectives for UTC in these situations demonstrates the diverse and effective perspective I bring as a Governor and an ability to help members.   UTC has 25,000 employees here, manufacturing, R&D capabilities, and healthy US exports.  Given the amount of investment and engagement in China, I am able to project strength in promoting AmCham positions.

Success so far:

1.  Serving on the Executive Committee of the Energy Cooperation Program (ECP) in coordination with AmCham, we inserted new management and will be working this autumn  with members to set meaningful goals for 2016. From green buildings and renewable energy to cleaner coal and nuclear, this is an important platform.

2. The Washington Outreach was an effective trip; we successfully pushed for White Paper positions.

3. Promoting AmCham’s positions in municipalities such as Hangzhou, Chongqing, and Xi’an is a necessary component of widening opportunities for companies as the market localizes.  I will continue this work in my frequent travels and close communication with chapters.