The primary purpose of the Real Estate and Development Forum is to promote transparency and create awareness in the fields of real estate, construction, engineering, land use rights and administration. Land use rights and development are fundamental elements of China’s growth story, and market transparency will help to ensure this growth. The Forum also focuses on green buildings and smart infrastructure projects as they relate to city planning and urban development. The forum uses its current policy dialogue to make recommendations and suggest improvements to both the Chinese and US governments. The Real Estate Forum meets on a monthly basis and its recent activities have focused on industry regulations and policies, as well as new market trends and opportunities in second tier cities. The core members include JLL, CBRE, DTZ Cushman, Colliers International, 21st Century, among others.


Eric Hirsch, Regional Director and Head of Markets, Beijing at JLL


Annual White Paper Drafting: Real Estate Chapter


  1. FinTech's Impact on the Real Estate Market in Chinese Financial Centers
  2. Coworking in China: fad or fixture?  
  3. Real Estate Investment in the US and Its Tax Implications
  4. China's Financial Centers and Infrastructure Development in A Global Context
  5. US-China Green Sustainable City Development Symposium


  1. New / renovated office space showcase with other architecture and office design companies (exterior and interior).
  2. Interpretation on when to buy in property / property ownership transfer for foreign individuals and companies in China.
  3. Monthly / bimonthly small-scale member brown-bag lunch.
  4. Discussion on building standard with MOHURD.
  5. New building tours in Beijing.


Evan Schmitt, ICT Forum Coordinator:

Email: eschmitt@amchamchina.org

Tel: (8610) 8519-0844