01 Tianjin Chapter News

By Antonio Douglas

Valentine’s Day went down a treat among the AmCham China – Tianjin community thanks to some mixological magic. As dusk set on this special holiday, approximately 40 seasoned members of Tianjin’s foreign business community were joined by young professionals and students from local colleges at the historic O’Hara Bar in the Astor Hotel for an evening of mingling and chatting. The AmCham China Tianjin Chapter’s Welcome Back Networking Event, in addition to allowing everyone to celebrate Valentine’s Day in style, provided an excellent platform for young professionals and students to mix with the more experienced members of the Tianjin business community in an informal and friendly setting.

Headlining the event was world-class mixologist Sami Mersel, who has traveled the world honing his craft. Mersel’s wide range of talents and was on full display at the event. Attendees watched with palpable excitement as Mersel shook, twirled, and mixed his way to an array of delicious cocktails. Under his tutelage, attendees were also able to join in on the fun with some private lessons in cocktail-mixing. The bar’s jazzy atmosphere contributed to everyone’s enjoyment, with many participants staying late into the night. Students particularly enjoyed the event, noting how naturally and smoothly the networking went and how forthcoming senior members of the business community were. The roaring success of this event ensures similar events are likely to follow in the near future as AmCham invites everyone back for a second round.

Head to the Chapter’s website for more news and to receive a free copy of the 2017 Business Climate Survey when you sign up for the weekly newsletter.

Antonio Douglas is an intern at AmCham China – Tianjin.