AmCham China, Tianjin Celebrates TReC 2019!
On May 9, the awards ceremony for the 2019 Tianjin Recycling Educational Challenge (TReC) was held at the Himalaya Tianta. This was the TreC program’s 4th year, continuing on its tradition as…
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On May 9, the awards ceremony for the 2019 Tianjin Recycling Educational Challenge (TReC) was held at the Himalaya Tianta. This was the TreC program’s 4th year, continuing on its tradition as…
On April 18, AmCham China hosted the fifth annual Government Affairs Conference, which was combined with the official launch of the 2019 American Business in China White Paper. The Chamber was proud…
Michael Anderson joins the AmCham China Northeast Executive Committee as the new Chairman. Anderson is a Finance Controller for Intel Semiconductor Ltd. located in Dalian, China. In his role, he is responsible for…
AmCham China Central China Chapter was delighted to host Scott Shaw, Director at LDi Training Wuhan office, to hold a comprehensive training session at Wuhan Shui Onland where 10 leaders from the…
What does a German tour guide, a Portuguese stay-at-home mom, and an Irish special needs care provider have in common? No, this isn’t the set-up for a joke. They are all highly…
AmCham China successfully launched the 2019 China Business Climate Survey Report and the Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation with Wuhan China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)…
On April 10, AmCham China hosted the third annual Women Economy Summit, the largest gathering of women leaders in the AmCham China community, with a mission to raise awareness of the key…
Recently, AmCham China’s Young Professionals Committee held an executive lunch featuring Jones Lange Lasalle Executive Director Eric Hirsch to explore personal development and the intricacies of navigating career opportunities in China. Hirsch,…
With the aid of unfavorable banking and anti-competition policies that hinder private firms, SOEs have displaced private Chinese companies in the market. However, SOEs remain relatively inefficient, unproductive, and stagnant. In a…
中国美国商会华中办公室致力于为会员企业提供服务,于3月22日下午携手武汉市贸促会,联合武汉市税务局国际税收处和安永会计师事务所武汉分所向会员企业进行“个税”和“企业科技创新税收”优惠政策两个主题的宣讲和解析。 活动当天,60多位会员企业和往来单位前往安永公司会议室参加税务讲座。武汉市税务局国际税收处朱文静处长就个税新政的框架与亮点,非居民个人的个税问题、热点、优惠待遇和管理展望进了讲解。其中对居民和非居民的认定举出了实例,特别是对“住所”的界定进行了明确的讲解,随后对外籍个人符合居民个人条件的是否可以享受扣专项扣除也作了详解。 简短的茶歇后,安永会计师事务所税务总监刘玲女士和负责税务管理与信息科技咨询的高级经理黄彧先生围绕“科技创新最新税收发展”和 “ 国际税务及税收风险管理”进行了详细的宣讲。刘玲女士介绍到“科技创新税收优惠相关政策”体现了国家加强科技创新的支持力度,并对科技创新税收优惠相关政策,研究开发费用税前加计扣除、高新技术企业亏损结转年限等当下企业关心的热点话题进行解析。随后,黄彧先生针对研发计费用系统、解码数字化税务及税务风险信息化管理这三个部分进行宣讲。 在活动最后的提问环节中,参会人员向专家咨询了各自企业实际操作中遇到的问题,并就解决方法进行商讨。随后的回访中,参会人员纷纷表示从税务讲座中获益良多。 在此,我们感谢武汉市贸促会、武汉市税务局和安永会计师事务所武汉分所对活动的大力支持!