A Transforming Hotel Industry
With the Asia Pacific region accounting for more than 60% of the world’s population, hotels are increasingly directing their strategy towards Asian tourists – and Chinese in particular. Under the direction of…
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With the Asia Pacific region accounting for more than 60% of the world’s population, hotels are increasingly directing their strategy towards Asian tourists – and Chinese in particular. Under the direction of…
2019年10月24日下午,中国美国商会华中办公室携手武汉市贸促会、安永企业税务武汉分所专业人士在安永华明会计师事务所武汉分所举办了就“深化改革中的企业如何充分利用减税降费政策”为议题的讲座。本次活动非常荣幸地邀请到安永华明会计师事务所中国政府和公共事业税务服务主管合伙人诸斌先生,税务与商务咨询部总监刘玲女士,以及税务与商务咨询税务量化服务总监陈川舟先生,为超过40家来自各行各业的企业的员工带来了一场生动有趣的税务讲座。 会议伊始,诸斌先生从宏观经济发展趋势的角度,围绕本月新鲜出炉的税务政策与所有参会者进行了一个有趣的背景知识索引互动和热身环节。诸先生指出,减税降费无论是从个人、企业还是整个城市来说都是一个具有巨大意义的举措。对个人而言,减税降费可以极大地减低个人税负,以拉动我们最主要的消费引擎;针对企业而言,减税降费会把企业最重的负担予以降低,特别是研发和生产环节;进一步激发市场活力和社会创造力。 随后陈川舟先生向企业介绍了从2015年至今“减税降费”涵盖的政策红利和法规变革进程,并对重要税务法规进行了细致解读。期间,陈先生特别指出,近年来的政策调整为科技创新类企业带来了更大的机遇,但同时也带来了更严厉的税务审核挑战。税务机关及其他政府部门将对科技创新类企业的研发和生产环节采取更为严格的把控,规范了行业发展的同时也提高了对该类企业的税务核查力度。对此,陈先生将税务机关通常采取的核查方法和流程分为六个步骤并逐一为大家解说,同时提出了企业可采取的应对措施。 短暂的茶歇会后,刘玲女士借助《2019年减税降费政策答复汇编》为在场的财务人员介绍最新的优惠政策方向,并归纳总结了本次政策调整对公司财务实际操作的影响,其中包括:增值税税率调整,加计抵减政策等等。随后进行的互动问答环节,来自各行各业的财务人员积极地参与到讨论之中。 本次讲座中国美国商会荣幸地邀请到安永团队,安永的以其资深行业经验和丰富的专业知识切实地帮助在汉企业理解减税降费有关政策,有效解决遇到的涉税问题,从而引导并帮助在汉企业在国家有利的政策下得到更好的发展。会后所有参会者给予了积极肯定的反馈。
Patrick Powers’ tenure with international businesses in China has involved mounting challenging odds to solve problems and led him to his current position as the Head of Government Affairs for Rockwell Automation…
The Board of Governors plays a critical role in driving strategic development of the American Chamber of Commerce in China and represents AmCham China in important advocacy, business, and community activities, especially…
An effective employee retention strategy is becoming increasingly important in China’s volatile job market where a shrinking workforce and aging demography is driving up the competition for talent. The best employee retention…
AmCham China scored an advocacy win earlier this year after successfully lobbying the government to “reset the clock” – effective as of January 1, 2019 – for the new six-year rule under which…