First to speak was Sherry Carbary (pictured above), CEO at Boeing China, who highlighted her 20 years of experience working in China. She also emphasized AmCham China’s work as lending the “power of a larger voice” that can be amplified to both the Chinese and US governments.
Click here to view Sherry’s bio and campaign statement.
Next came current AmCham China Chairman and Vice President of Developing Markets for Vermeer Corporation, Colm Rafferty (pictured above), who discussed his 20-year track record as an AmCham China member, his current role as Chairman of the Board, and his intention to run for Chair again in 2023.
Click here to view Colm’s bio and campaign statement.
Roan Kang (pictured above), VP of Microsoft and Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft China, said that the mission of AmCham China is more important now than it has ever been and expressed his desire to bridge differences and seek common ground in the US-China relationship.
Click here to view Roan’s bio and campaign statement.
Intel’s Vice President of Government Affairs, Tony Jiang (pictured above), pledged to work to create a better business environment. He also highlighted his experience on USITO’s Board of Governors, his work with the central government in China, and his unique tech perspective.
Click here to view Tony’s bio and campaign statement.
Next, Hongjun Teng (pictured above), Executive Vice President at Citibank China, discussed his current role as Co-Chair of AmCham China’s Financial Services Committee and said he would like to improve the Chamber’s advocacy efforts.
Click here to view Hongjun’s bio and campaign statement.
Kenneth Li (pictured above), President & CEO of Waitex Group, recounted his experience living both the “American Dream” and the “Chinese Dream” and promised to advocate for IP protection and transparency if elected.
Click here to view Kenneth’s bio and campaign statement.
Jerry Guo (pictured above), Managing Director of Public Policy & Affairs at KKR China, said that he would endeavor to enhance AmCham China’s engagement with think tanks and underlined the importance of sharing sessions with external stakeholders.
Click here to view Jerry’s bio and campaign statement.
Gary Dvorchak (pictured above), Managing Director at The Blueshirt Group, outlined his connections to President Xi Jinping who stayed at his childhood home in Iowa in the 1980’s. If elected to the Board, he said he would leverage his personal relationships to increase people-to-people engagements.
Click here to view Gary’s bio and campaign statement.
During his time in the spotlight, George Friddle (pictured above) discussed his 22 years of experience in China and praised the talent and ideas within the AmCham China community.
Click here to view George’s bio and campaign statement.
The final candidate to speak in person was James Nobles (pictured above) from Bizarre Beijing who said that, if elected, he would represent educators and small business owners’ interests, as well as push for more in-person events.
Click here to view James’ bio and campaign statement.
The other candidates standing for the 2023 Board of Governors were unable to attend in person, but sent a video message or nominated someone to speak on their behalf at the mixer. Their bios and campaign statements can be seen by clicking the links below:
Isabel Ge Mahe, Apple
Jian Lu, LinkedIn
Xudong Chen, IBM
Roberta Lipson, United Family Healthcare
Alan Beebe, Individual member
Malone Ma, MetLife
Yali Z. Liu, Individual member
Henry Ding, 3M
Jeffrey Bernstein, UPMC
Frances Yu, Amway
Hao Shi, Moody’s
A SurveyMonkey ballot has been sent to each of the Chamber’s corporate member voting representatives and individual voting members via an email from AmCham China Notice with detailed instructions on how to vote. If you have any questions, please contact Connie Zhao at We will respond to your inquiries within 48 working hours.