Webinar Highlights: Beyond Crisis and Panic
Last week, AmCham China hosted a successful webinar discussing how our member companies are dealing with the COVID-19 situation. We were honored to be joined by an incredible panel of guests from…
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Last week, AmCham China hosted a successful webinar discussing how our member companies are dealing with the COVID-19 situation. We were honored to be joined by an incredible panel of guests from…
Beijing, February 27, 2020 – The American Chamber of Commerce in China (“AmCham China”) today released the results of a flash survey that measures the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on its member…
中文 The global outbreak of the novel coronavirus has presented unprecedented challenges for many of us, but the US business community has responded magnificently. To date, our member companies have made donations…
AmCham Chairman Greg Gilligan met with Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang on February 18 to discuss the efforts of the Chamber’s member companies in the Wuhan relief efforts. It was Zheng’s first…
大家好!我是中国美国商会主席葛国瑞。 2020农历新年到来之际,中国爆发了新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情。在这里,我谨代表中国美国商会及我本人,向所有失去亲人的家庭致以诚挚的慰问,并祝愿所有患者早日恢复健康。同时,向奋战在抗击疫情前线的所有工作人员,致以最崇高的敬意和感谢! 美商会扎根中国百年,我们与中国人民休戚相关、荣辱与共。自疫情爆发以来,商会和会员企业一直密切关注事态发展,并第一时间组织力量与中美政府和社会组织联系,积极投身抗击疫情的救助工作。截至2020年2月12日,我们已收到100多家会员企业的捐赠信息,各项物资和现金总额达大约 3.6 亿人民币,这个数字依然在不断增长而且因为收集的信息不全,只能代表我们一少部分会员企业的捐赠。 没有一个冬天不可逾越,没有一个春天不会来临!我们赞赏中国政府面对疫情的迅速反应和果断措施。我坚信,在中国政府的领导下,依靠中国人民的勤劳与智慧,以及国际社会的共同努力,一定能战胜疫情! 武汉加油!中国加油! ——葛国瑞
Mission The Taskforce aims to reduce the spread of COVID-19 through the timely procurement, delivery, and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) from China to much-needed locations in the US. Objectives …