Leadership Transition at AmCham China

The American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China) today releases the landmark 25th edition of the American Business in China White Paper (White Paper), which lays out in detail a number of policy recommendations – both cross-sector and industry-specific – for the Chinese and US governments. This year’s edition contains 40 chapters covering developments over the past year, and includes 20 chapters on industry-specific issues, such as agriculture, banking, ICT, manufacturing, healthcare, and real estate, 11 chapters on industrial policy and market access, such as competition law, compliance, procurement, and taxes, and five chapters with a region-specific focus, covering central China, northeast China, southwest China, Shanghai, and Tianjin.


中国美国商会今日发布了具有里程碑意义的第25期《美国企业在中国白皮书 》(以下简称《白皮书》),该《白皮书》为中美两国政府详细列举了一系列跨部门与针对具体行业的政策建议。今年《白皮书》的40个章节将回顾过去一年的新情况,其中包括20章聚焦行业问题,包括农业、银行、信息科技、制造业、医疗卫生与房地产11章探讨产业政策与市场准入相关内容,包括竞争法、合规、采购和税收等,以及5章针对具体地区:华中、东北、西南、 上海、天津的内容。

Lingering Effects of COVID-Zero and Heightened Bilateral Tensions Headline Challenges for US Companies in China

The American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China) today releases the landmark 25th edition of the American Business in China White Paper (White Paper), which lays out in detail a number of policy recommendations – both cross-sector and industry-specific – for the Chinese and US governments. This year’s edition contains 40 chapters covering developments over the past year, and includes 20 chapters on industry-specific issues, such as agriculture, banking, ICT, manufacturing, healthcare, and real estate, 11 chapters on industrial policy and market access, such as competition law, compliance, procurement, and taxes, and five chapters with a region-specific focus, covering central China, northeast China, southwest China, Shanghai, and Tianjin.


根据中国美国商会(AmCham China)最新发布的调查报告显示,在华美资企业的财务表现与近几年相比稍显悲观情绪,但大多数公司表示,他们没有计划将业务转移到其他地区。2022 年,会员企业业绩预测结果显示,在华收入、利润率和息税前利润率(EBIT)都呈现出同比下降趋势,会员企业营收预计降至2020年的水平。

Pessimism Creeps In as Willingness of US Companies to Invest in China Eases

US companies in China reported a slightly more pessimistic financial outlook compared to recent years, though a large majority of companies say they have no plans to relocate operations elsewhere, according to a new survey released by the American Chamber of Commerce in China (“AmCham China”). Estimated performance results for 2022 showed a decline in the portion of member companies that saw increased revenue, profitability, and Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) margins compared to last year, with figures declining to 2020 levels.



US Companies Still Struggling with Pandemic-Related Restrictions, Despite Slight Improvements

US companies in China continue to experience a range of negative impacts from pandemic-related restrictions, according to a new Flash Survey from the American Chamber of Commerce in China (“AmCham China”). 98% of respondents reported an ongoing negative impact from COVID-19 on their business, citing a range of factors, despite the announced end of lockdowns in Shanghai and elsewhere. Meanwhile, revenue projections have worsened in recent months, with 69% of respondents reporting their 2022 revenue projections have decreased, an increase of 11 percentage points (pp) from a previous survey conducted in May (“May Survey”).

Longstanding Challenges Underpin More Immediate Concerns for US Companies in China

The American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China) today releases the 24th edition of the American Business in China White Paper (White Paper), which lays out in detail a number of policy recommendations – both cross-sector and industry-specific – for the Chinese and US governments. This year’s edition contains 38 chapters covering developments over the past year, and includes 20 chapters on industry-specific issues, such as agriculture, banking, ICT, manufacturing, healthcare, and real estate, 12 chapters on industrial policy and market access, such as competition law, compliance, procurement, and taxes, and four chapters with a region-specific focus, covering central China, northeast China, Shanghai, and Tianjin.